Sokolov gets in on the ground floor of Spoiler Warning shenanigans.
silver Harloe
What we know about the empire: 4 islands, each appears to be an independent nation. One is ruled by a Duke (Serkonos), one is ruled by a king (I remember reading about the Empress meeting with the king of one of the two northern isles, but I forget if was Tyvia or Morley) and there’s an Empress over all 4 nations (and possibly she’s also the queen of Gristol?)
If you spin a globe, you can see a tiny set of islands and a great big continent. The continent is Pandyssia and the parts of it which have been explored by the islanders are all super dangerous (lots of books by Sokolov about it) – but it’s huge and who knows what else is there. As far as the islanders know, there’s no civilization on Pandyssia and possibly no humans.
In any case, the islands, which are tiny on the globe, are nevertheless blessed with enough resources to get to this industrial age without needing mines or cities on Pandyssia (they *have* imported some wildlife from Pandyssia, though).
Despite the vastness of the oceans and the tinyness of the 4 island empire, they’re also apparently running short on whales? That part is kinda weird.
they can probably only get to the whales that are relatively close to them. those whaling boats can only fit one on each and they still need to be fuelled, and since whales dont breed in large numbers or grow very fast theyre overfishing their waters.
Vg’f n tbbq guvat guvf vf nyy va Ebg-Guvegrra, gura, fb gung ab bar trgf zvfvasbezrq ol na nggrzcg ng nibvqvat fcbvyref va n Fcbvyre Jneavat guernq. :C
What we know about the empire: 4 islands, each appears to be an independent nation. One is ruled by a Duke (Serkonos), one is ruled by a king (I remember reading about the Empress meeting with the king of one of the two northern isles, but I forget if was Tyvia or Morley) and there’s an Empress over all 4 nations (and possibly she’s also the queen of Gristol?)
If you spin a globe, you can see a tiny set of islands and a great big continent. The continent is Pandyssia and the parts of it which have been explored by the islanders are all super dangerous (lots of books by Sokolov about it) – but it’s huge and who knows what else is there. As far as the islanders know, there’s no civilization on Pandyssia and possibly no humans.
In any case, the islands, which are tiny on the globe, are nevertheless blessed with enough resources to get to this industrial age without needing mines or cities on Pandyssia (they *have* imported some wildlife from Pandyssia, though).
Despite the vastness of the oceans and the tinyness of the 4 island empire, they’re also apparently running short on whales? That part is kinda weird.
they can probably only get to the whales that are relatively close to them. those whaling boats can only fit one on each and they still need to be fuelled, and since whales dont breed in large numbers or grow very fast theyre overfishing their waters.
That makes sense. Especially if the whales can talk to each other usefully: they might say something like “maybe swim away from those islands”
When playing as Corvo, (ROT13) Xvyyvat fbxbybi jnf nyybjrq, vg fnlf fbzrguvat nobhg uvf xabjyrqtr orvat gbb qnatrebhf sbe guvf jbeyq.
Fb jung unccraf gjb zvffvbaf yngre jura Fbxbybi cvybgf gur fxvss gung gnxrf lbh gb gur qhfg qvfgevpg?
Also are we in danger of accidentally summoning Cthulhu here?
V arire jrag guebhtu jvyy xvyyvat uvz, vg jnf na nppvqrag gur svefg gvzr naq V erybnqrq, fb V unir ab vqrn.
Npghnyyl ab, V’ir whfg tbar naq grfgrq vg (V unq n fnir nsgre V’q erfphrq uvz ohg orsber V’q chg uvz va gur pneevntr) naq xvyyvat uvz jnf n tnzr bire fb V thrff V jnf jebat? Zhfg unir tbg pbashfrq jvgu n qvssrerag ovg?
Vg’f n tbbq guvat guvf vf nyy va Ebg-Guvegrra, gura, fb gung ab bar trgf zvfvasbezrq ol na nggrzcg ng nibvqvat fcbvyref va n Fcbvyre Jneavat guernq. :C
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