We decided to go back to the golden age of Star Trek and play one of the most well remembered Trek games of its era: Star Trek: Voyager – Elite Force. Say that five times fast.
June 10, 2020
We decided to go back to the golden age of Star Trek and play one of the most well remembered Trek games of its era: Star Trek: Voyager – Elite Force. Say that five times fast.
With regretful backstabs!
Apparently it’s time to learn how to play the game.
Mumbles joins us for 35 minutes in a character creator.
Josh has a cunning plan!
You are now an enemy of Stonehelm.
The rise (and many, many falls) of the Bootlord.
Regalle grows up.
Now that we beat our 18-year old rival, this is really just the next logical step.
Regalle was beaten by Anita Cassandra!