Author: Josh

The Spodcast #10: Ketchup, Mayo, and Zombie Wolves

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It’s time for a laid back, late night Spodcast about condiments and unnaturally evil wolves.

0:42 – Splatfest
9:54 – Fortnite
21:00 – The Long Dark Story Mode
32:34 – Mailbag
33:08 – Dishonored 2, blink or far-reach?
35:04 – How do you feel about Kickstarter right now?
49:12 – Are you watching (or did you watch) EVO?

Kona Short EP1: Dear Secret Service

Before we move on to another big AAA game, we’re going to take a quick look at the an indie game about a hard-boiled detective and his adventures in the frozen wasteland that is Quebec. It’s the most Canadian video game ever, Kona!